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Cisco -3 Rod Tree Rod Holder 3 Adjustable Thumbscrew or Quick Release Track Mount 1/23

Your price:  $399.96 - $647.97

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Additional Tree Rod Holders: 

  (thumbscrew mount shown)
 Be sure to order track separately as needed!
Cisco Tree Rod Holder with Adjustable Tube Angle
Choose Mount type from Options on Right

Part Number: PKTRE


Tree Mast


The tree mast stands 32” high and is a made from a 7/8" solid aluminum.  It is available in thumbscrew and track (Cisco, Bert's, Traxstech compatible) mounting options. 

By mounting our tree masts to a thumbscrew or track base you have the option of simply turning the unit 180° when you are done fishing.  We make it easy to do this so that the rod holder tubes can safely stay inside the dimensions of the boat to ensure that nothing can snag them when docking the boat.  You can find our safe and secure Sure-Stop Track in our online shop!


Tree Rod Holders

The 3 tree rod holder mounts to the 7/8” diameter mast by means of two stainless steel cap screws and lock washers.  Unlike some competitors, the standard rod holders can be adjusted vertically and radially on the mast.  For more serious angler an upgraded option allows you to adjust the angle of tube as well!

7900 Anchor Bay Drive
(established 2010)
Clay Township, MI  48001
Phone: 1-586-255-0212

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